Results of a cohort of patients treated with osteopathy in a polivalent hospital

Liliana Babio, Adrián Santana, Federico Funes, Diego Rodríguez, Sergio Terrasa, Osvaldo Patiño


Epidemiological surveillance of accidents in a private hospital in the City of Buenos Aires. Year 2018

Rocío N. Barrios, Andrés M. Pereira, Nahuel Braguinsky Golde, Morena Díaz, Natalia S. Aráoz Olivos, Analía Ferloni, Valeria Aliperti, Ana M. Gómez Saldaño, Silvana B. Figar


DRESS Syndrome associated with phenytoin: case report

Álvaro Vallejos Narváez, Julián E. Canal Forero, David F. Salazar Peña, Javier A. Pérez López, Gabriel E. Acelas González, David A. Rojas Carvajal, Javier A. García Salazar


Acute myeloid leukemia presented in the form of bullous pyoderma gangrenosum. A case report

Natali Bodnariuk, Dolores P. Bastard, Ana C. Torre, Diego Andresik, Marcelo G. Vallone, Luis D. Mazzuoccolo
